A devastating war with disastrous consequences has been inflicted on Ukraine for a year. People have died, been injured, traumatized, fled, or lost everything, and the country is in ruins.

Support Ukraine

Millions of people in the dark

Like so many places in eastern Ukraine, Kherson has been laid to waste. Everywhere, buildings lie in ruins, office blocks stand without a roof, and houses are completely destroyed. Olga shows us with a sad face that their home, garden, and shed are entirely in ruins. The inside of their house looks like a rubbish dump; no roof is left on it, and there are holes everywhere. Vyacheslav worked as a contractor, but all his tools and machines were destroyed. They will have to rebuild everything step by step. Olga sighs: "Thankfully, we are still alive. With God, we will conquer all. Thanks to the help we receive, we can keep going."

Kherson is still under attack. Our local staff recently visited the region to distribute food parcels. The people eagerly received the packages and gratefully embraced our team. One of them said: "You can't imagine how important it is to us that we are not forgotten. We can only keep going with the help of people like you."

You can't imagine how important it is to us that we are not forgotten. We can only keep going with the help of people like you.


What have we done so far?

Since the first day of the war in Ukraine, our local staff, volunteers, and local churches have been able to provide help on the ground. With the support of our generous donors, we managed to provide emergency aid to people in Ukraine and refugees in the surrounding countries. We offered emergency shelter, including meals, to a total of 34 910 refugee families, and 84 340 families received relief supplies, hot meals, and hygiene items. We also organized summer camps and activities, especially for refugees.

What is the current need?

The need is still tremendous. In addition to providing emergency aid, we also plan to continue to provide long-term assistance in Ukraine to help restore and rebuild lives.

  • Distributing food, hygiene items, and relief supplies;
  • Offer firewood, warm clothes, and shoes;
  • Assist with housing;
  • Assist in the restoration of homes;
  • Providing trauma support;
  • Provide emergency generators.

"Never before have I seen so much evil and at the same time so many good deeds"

Misha, writer and photographer for Mission Without Borders in Ukraine, shares how the war has changed life in Ukraine.

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Help those affected by the war

8 Million

Over 8 million Ukrainian refugees are estimated to be displaced by the war. 



Give hope and dignity.