“I couldn’t read until now”

Claudia receives the care and educational support she needed

“It was hard at my old school. They hated me and called me names.”

"It was hard at my old school. They hated me and called me names. I felt lonely and upset and fell behind in my lessons."

Claudia, 13, lives with her family in deep poverty in Nisporeni district, Moldova. Her father is in prison for domestic abuse. She and her mother, 10-year-old brother Vasile, and nine-year-old sister Cristina live in their grandparents' old house. 

Because of her family's poverty, Claudia was rejected and bullied by her classmates at school. She came close to dropping out of school altogether but ended up changing to another school in the region. 

Claudia said, "One day at break time, I came across a cousin of mine. She told me she went to the After school day centre in Nisporeni and said that she enjoyed that place so much and I should go with her. 

"I really liked it there, and how friendly they are. I asked Mrs Aurica if I could come back again." 

Claudia's family is now enrolled in Mission Without Borders's family sponsorship programme, and she and her siblings all go to the after-school centre every weekday. Here, about 30 children from poor backgrounds enjoy a warm meal, receive help with their homework, and do fun activities. 

Cristina, a volunteer, said, "At home, many of these children miss out on their parents' affection and attention. They sometimes don't have warmth at home, and often there's no food."

"Instead of staying home feeling cold and hungry, these children can come here. Their parents might not be at home, but here at the centre, they're under supervision and good care," added Viorel. He's a MWB staff member who gives regular support to families in the area – and knows the challenges many of them face.

Because of the tough times Claudia experienced, she often had outbursts of anger or tears at the centre when she first started going. She needed to take time to build trust. As she gradually settled in, she grew in confidence and found a place where she belonged. 

"At the centre, I made friends with many girls: Amelia, Janea, Nicoleta," Claudia said happily. "Now I have friends to talk to and hang out with. I'm not bored or lonely anymore. They helped me a lot to get through everything. I still have stuff I need to handle, but I know I'll be fine."

Claudia had a lot of challenges to overcome with her schoolwork. She had fallen behind and felt lost – but Aurica and Cristina were there to help her.

"I couldn't read until now," she said. "Last summer, I decided it was time to practice my reading and get better. This year, I improved my grades in French from 6.5 to 8. I also made a little progress In Romanian and History."

Claudia's teacher at school said, "She's made some improvements in French; she solves math exercises, reads better, is able to retell stories. Before, she could hardly read or express herself. 

"We hope that even if it's hard for her, she'll keep putting consistent effort into her work and will continue to improve." 

I couldn’t read until now.


Viorel said, "Of the families we work with, about 70% don't pay attention to their children's education or progress at school. In many cases, the parents are struggling with addiction, or they're just indifferent."

Aurica said, "Our wish is that the After school centre in Nisporeni will help raise healed, healthy children, who are well prepared for the future."

You can be the turning point for a child like Claudia. Will you join us in caring for and equipping children for a brighter future?


Vulnerable children are being helped with educational support at 24 After school programmes across 6 countries.

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