August Newsletter

We are thrilled that in the last few weeks, many of our field countries have found new opportunities to interact and engage with the children – capturing some of the priceless moments and lasting impact we see each year at Summer Camp.

In Moldova, for example, Summer Clubs are being held instead. You can see some of the fun here.

July Newsletter

Around this time of the year, we would typically be sending you exciting, fun-filled, updates about our annual Summer Camps. Unfortunately, Summer Camps are yet another casualty of this pandemic. Due to restrictions in our field countries, they have not been able to go ahead. Nevertheless, our team continue to do all they can in each country to ensure that ‘no child is left behind’. We believe every child deserves to thrive, and for this reason, one of our aims is to safeguard childhood for the children we work with, who for various reasons, are often asked to grow up too quickly.

One of the privileges, and sometimes difficulties, of doing what we do, is being able to journey with many people and being privy to their personal stories and unfolding circumstances. We hear of and know many stories, but the one we are sharing with you today has found a special place in our hearts.

As you read the story of Cristi, “one of the most challenging boys in the community”, we pray that it will be a reminder of the incredible gift you give when choosing to sponsor a child. We work for children like Cristi. Through your support and God’s grace, he is finding a space to grow and thrive outside of his tumultuous circumstances. Please read his moving story here.



Give hope and dignity.