Ukraine is still in dire need

It's been two years since the war broke out in Ukraine— tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced, with immeasurable damage to Ukraine's homes, schools, health facilities, infrastructure, and farmland.

A further 7.1 million people have fallen below the poverty line since the start of the war in Ukraine, according to estimates from the World Bank. Around 17.6 million people in Ukraine are in urgent need of humanitarian aid.

You cannot imagine how important it is for us to understand that we are not forgotten and abandoned in need. Your help inspires us to hold on.

We have established a special aid program for refugees in addition to our regular support. This program provides material assistance to refugees, and our local staff offers support to help them deal with the trauma of war during special meetings or summer camps for children. Our employees have also received training in PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) to ensure that traumatized families receive the emotional support they need.

What can you do?

There are various ways in which you can support Ukraine.

  • Pray for Ukraine.
  • Make a once off donation.
  • Support a family in Ukraine through monthly sponsorship.

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